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tv   ABC7 News at 12A on KOFY  KOFY  November 28, 2012 12:00am-12:30am PST

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to decrease blood clotting. talk to your doctor today about androgel 1.62% so you can use less gel. log on now to and you could pay as little as ten dollars a month for androgel 1.62%. what are you waiting for? this is big news. calm tonight, but in just a matter of hours, a series of winter storms will begin sweeping through the bay area. good evening, everyone. i'm carolyn johnson. >> i'm dan ashley. it is sandbag season in the
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bay area, and the downpour could hit so hard and so fast that some areas could see flash floods. >> we are expecting three storms in the next five days. clogged storm drains could of course cause flooding. abc7 news meteorologist sandhya patel is here now with when the first will hit. sand jaw in. >> as we check out live doppler 7hd, we are seeing the first signs of the storm across the northern california coastline. as you can see on live doppler 7hd, it is going to get in here in the morning, and as we show you our area right now, the moisture is just to the west. it is the leading edge of the storm we are watching. computer animation shows that the rain begins at 2:00 a.m. and the winds are kicking up over the higher elevations. 30 to 35 miles per hour, but the strongest wind and the heaviest rain during the 5:00 a.m. hour really continues. 8:00 a.m. it is still going pretty stormy and could see some thunder right on through 10:00, 11:00 in the morning behind the front. it will turn showery at 1:00 p.m. ahead of the storm though we are expecting strong winds.
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a high wind warning has been issued from 4:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. winds gusting 55 to 65 miles an hour and could see gusts up to 75. a wind advisory for the rest of the area, and we are looking at the potential for downed trees and power outages and that's not all. 24r* are two more storms -- there are two more storms on the way. i will have a look at those. >> thanks. the winds are already picking up enough to start churning the waters at ocean beach. the surfers enjoyed the waves, but those winds will get stronger. abc7 news reporter john alston is live in pacifica where he has been watching the storm build along the coast tonight. john? >> carolyn, the tide is now coming in. we are now about three hours away from the start of the gail warning. wind gusts expected to be between 55 and 65 miles an hour. and tonight the people who make their living off the sea are treating the ocean with the utmost respect.
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>> bad moon rising over half moon bay. an image of serenity before a raging storm. crab fishermen cut their day short and return earlier than normal knowing in a matter of hours the coastal waters would be like a washing machine. this would be the last crab harvest for the next 24 hours. >> i guess there are gusts up to 50 coming. it is time to bag it up and come in and wait it out. >> up and down the dock extra lines were tied to boats including the hooly cat. >> i was going to add an extra spring line so it does president president -- so it doesn't bash the dock or blow other boats in the slip. >> mike walker spent the day on the boat catching six crabs. >> it was a little rough today. got out there with a pretty good wind and a little chop on the water.
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i try not to get sea sick. >> as it flapped in the stiffening breeze they were taking advantage of the wind to get in some high speed excitement before the sun went down. the harbor master is hoping there will be no fishermen in need of a rescue. >> everybody is back. we did a head count. for the most part it will be a lock it down and keep it it down and tie it down for the weather. >> coast guard is warning boarders to stay off the open water and telling people to avoid low-lying beach areas as well as jetties because the crashing waves whoil so beautiful are extremely dangerous. abc7 news. >> you are right about that, john. thank you. this story you will see only on abc7 news. cal trans is preparing for severe weather with extra precautions on the bay bridge construction project. workers on the suspension span will be called down-and-out of heavy equipment when winds reach speeds over 20 miles an hour. the main suspension cable is wrapped in a special zinc
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paste to protect it from corrosion. and they are using powerful water pumps to keep the concrete structures as dry as possible. in oaknd la -- in oakland public works spent the day getting ready for storms. you can catch more from 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. once the storm hits, they will need help clearing those drains, obviously. the city is looking for volunteers to pitch in to get that job done. now, crews in the north bay are also getting ready for the storms. abc7 news reporter cornell bernard is live from a sandbag station in san anselmo. folks there have needed the sandbags many times before. >> absolutely, dan. sandbag stations are open across the north bay tonight. and i have to tell you, not much sand left at this one here in san anselmo. people have been here all day getting ready for the rain.
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>> renee is not taking chances. he is filling sandbags. >> we are at the bought m to of the hill in san rafael. it comes down the hill hard. just taking precautions and got a little flooded last year. >> san anselmo is one of many cities providing the do it yourself sandbag station. joy this is our high water mark and -- >> this is our high water mark and in the store it was four and a half feet high. and it was not just water. it was mud. >> marty is uneasy about the approaching storms. in 2005 she lost everything in her downtown sannen sal mow store. -- sannen sal mow store. the photos from that time are amazing. >> we are very resilient. we hope for the best. >> reporter: tonight the creek is low and the city has been keeping it clear of debris. but just in case, every downtown business has wooden flood gates held in place with metal brackets to keep the water out. >> if it does flood, the precaution is to get the books
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for -- to get the books three feet off the ground. >> reporter: the sanitation district will be keeping a close eye on its aging sewer pipes to make sure more spills don't happen like this one in early november. rains caused one pipe to spill covering the hillside with 88,000 gallons of raw sewage. >> i can't guarantee there will be no more sewer spills in the area. i can guarantee that our crews and the persons in this district will be doing everything they can to mitigate that. >> back live at the sand bag station. they will be monitoring the manhole covers and checking sewer lines as well. officials will be working for the next three days monitoring the creek levels. especially if they start to rise. live in sannen sal mow -- sannen sal mow, cornell bernard. >> we will be tracking this story with live doppler 7hd,
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and with our team of reporters stationed throughout the bay area. our live coverage begins at 4:30 with the abc7 morning news. and we will have live updates for you all day long. breaking news out of san francisco's engel side neighborhood where there is a two-alarm fire. a three-story building on capital avenue is burning. the fire cruise evacuated a child. no one needed to be taken to the hospital. crews now have the fire under control. the cause is under investigation. tom -- >> a man and two women died in a head on collision. they released the names of the victims. thisy are 49-year-old dong two others. the california highway patrol says they died when another vehicle swerved to avoid an overturned semitruck and collided with their honda head on. a third woman has filed a $10 million claim against the moraga school district over
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sex abuse allegations. the victim who is now 29 says former moraga inter median science teacher sexually abused her when she was 13 years old. she says three former district administrators failed to report him to proper authorities and then lied to past complaints. three other women filed complaints. he killed himself after several girls came forward in 1996 with alsegations. prosecutors are charging a 15-year-old boy accused of murder as an adult. police arrested him on friday in concord. they believe he killed rory park pettiford outside a carjacking outside a seven-eleven store. it included four armed robberies and a shootout that injured a san jose police officer on november 16th. a south bay woman being called a hero and for good reason. what she did to rescue a special needs child from a flaming bus. >> and three bay area cities
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have become a gang battleground. how city leaders are fighting back tonight to save their streets. >> and vampire face-lifts are a new trend in cos met sick surgery. why you may want to over look the gruesome name as an alternative to botox. and then on "nightline." >> coming up next on "nightline" powerball machines are cranking across america tonight as countless dreamers bet on a half billion dollar jackpot. we will separate the mass from the emotion. and the young star of a hit tv sitcom stages a moral rebellion. that's on "nightline."
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there is a growing gang problem on the peninsula where a coalition of police chiefs is banding together. the top cops from menlo park and palo alto spoke before the menlo park city council about their latest strategy. abc7 news reporter alan wang was at that meeting tonight. >> in just the past four weeks, the bell haven area of
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menlo park has been claimed with four separate shooting. >> menlo park, east palo alto and palo alto are teaming up to stop a gang war on their streets. the bloody shootout on november 2nd that left four men badly wounded convinced the police chief to form a task force called smart, an acro anymore for strategic multi agency response team. >> no innocent bystanders have been struck by the bullets. >> almost two weeks ago, a 42-year-old man was murdered on the same street. police have linked a dozen shootings to a war between two rival street gangs. the taliban from menlo park and the deville from east palo alto. just this morning a shooting forced the lock down of two schools including caesar chavez elementary in east palo alto. a 19-year-old man was shot. >> this was the first time they ignored the boundaries of the crime and began working together pooling their resources to solve the case. >> there is really not a
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certain place they can go so they can't bounce from city to city and think it will change the outcome. they are likely to see a response from the three of us no matter what city they are committing violence in. >> they will be stepping up foot and bike patrols and meeting with gang members. but it says it will take a lot of help from the community. in menlo park, alan wang, abc7 news. let's go to san jose where school bus driver is being called a hero after saving a disabled child from her burning bus. the bus was destroyed after bursting into flames just after the driver had dropped off one student this morning. a special needs student using a wheelchair was carried off the burning bus by the driver as the fire spread quickly. you can see the damage. the firecrews arrived and were able to save the motorized whole chair. everybody is okay. well, a falcon rescued on thanksgiving day is expected to survive. someone found the adult male
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falcon in the fields near watsonville. this video was provided by wild rescue. wildlife officials say the bird was shot with a pellet gun. there is a wound through its chest and another on its leg. >> a team performed surgery. they say it was a success. they planned to feed and medicate him and send him back to the wild. >> the first series of storms is about to hit us in just a few hours. tonight the california emergency management agency reminds us that as the storm approaches it is a good opportunity to make sure we are all ready for the rainy season or any other type of natural hazard we might face. we aren urge cked to have emergency -- we are encouraged to have emergency kits with battery operated radios and a three-day supply of food and water for everyone in the family. and a manual can opener. prepare an emergency kit for your family.
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it is posted at under see it on tv. and this is a good time to get ready. >> it is a great resource there. let's find out what we are track with the storm on the way. >> sandhya patel is watching it on radar. >> dan and carolyn, we want to show you a live picture. the camera has been bouncing and wind gusts over the higher elevations. right now around 25 to 35 miles an hour. that's a sign the storm is on the way. let's check out live doppler 7hd. and you can see where the rain is beginning to approach in far northern california. we do have clouds around. the winds are picking up and moisture is just off the coast, and that leading edge of the storm will arrive first thing in the morning. our own radar will be tracking the storm for you. the temperatures right now in e 50s except fairfield is down to 49 degrees. here are the highlights. stormy for the morning commute
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and rain will shift to the north bay on thursday. and more wet and windy weather follows. two more storms are coming. here is the first storm. it will bring a burst of wind and rain on wednesday morning. it will be heavy at times even though it is a fast mover. the second storm will bring rain first to the north bay and spreading south slowly heading to friday. so the thursday-friday time period, this will provide a good soaker as it is a slow-moving storm. the third in the series will bring wide-spread wind and rain beginning on saturday afternoon and running through the first half of yo sunday. here is a computer animation. clouds right now and the rain begins. and the wind really starts to get stronger during the 5:00 a.m. hour. many of you are commuting during this time period. it is going to be rough. stormy weather continues, 9:00, 10:00. you can see potential for thunderstorms here behind the front at 1:00 p.m. we will see the rain and the wind letting up. we will still see scatter ited showers heading into thee and gg
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beyond the evening commute. thursday morning at 5:00 a.m. some wet weather approaching. lighter rainfall until about thursday afternoon and evening. that's when heavier rain starts to show up with storm number two. the evening commute thursday north bay. and then watch the storm slowly sag south as we head into your friday. whoa will see some downpours with this friday morning at 5:00 a.m. it is ahead of the storm system. continuing at 10:00 a.m. with the cold front going through the south bay in the santa cruz mountains. rainfall totals are impressive from wednesday through sunday. most of the bay area picking up a half a foot of rain. you will notice the rainfall is even higher in the north bay. up to 8 inches there. northern california over 10 in of rain. there is some concern here. i want to show you the russian river. the flood stage is 32 feet. right now it is just over five feet, expected to see rapid rises by friday at 11:00 p.m. getting close to 22 feet. but that is still well below
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flood stage. the area where we may be seeing some flooding with urban and small stream flooding and creeks and streams will be over flowing . it will be lake county and delta sacramento and northern san juaquin valley. that's where the flood watch has been posted thursday afternoon through sunday afternoon, and in the sierra this will turn to snow. the snow levels will be high. a winter weather advisory above 6,000. gusty winds about 4 to 8 inches of snow. 10:00 a.m. tomorrow until 10:00 p.m. tomorrow night. tomorrow morning look for the stormy weather. upper 40s to mid70s. windy and showers really continue. it is a wet pattern all the way through sunday afternoon. at times windy and we could be seeing some flooding issues as we hit the weekend, carolyn and dan. lisa argen is here at 4:30 until 7:00 a.m. filling in for mike nico. >> thanks, sandhya. coming up, there is a creepy name for a new facial
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treatment. the vampire face-lift. >>
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some are turning to a so-called vampire face-lift to take years off their look. the blood is taken from their body and then the platelet plays plays -- plasma is taken out and injected into your face. there is no fear of rejection because it is your own blood. so those with the blood have better chance of survival than other techniques. some physicians are mixing the platelet rich plasma with fillers with the idea the prp will help the fillers last longer. >> can you still go out in the sunlight? raider nation, listen up. we want to see your team pride. we invite you to e-mail photos to you report at we will show them on the air during raiders day on abc7. that's december 6th next week when we will broadcast the raiders-broncos game live from the coliseum starting at 5:00 p.m. a big day. hope you join us. >> larry beil and mike shumann will have a special show leading up to the game.
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>> looking forward to it. a bunch of 9er news on deck including what players after his decision on the starting quarterback. and why they are throwing a basketball at this car's windshield? we'll ex
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49er news and kendal hunter out for the season with a tear in his left achilles
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tendon. bowman signed signed a five-year extension. 25 guaranteed. and finally jim harbaugh is expected to name his starting quarterback for sunday's game against the rams. harbaugh is old school meaning you don't lose your job due to injury. and he is loyal. i think he will name alex his starter. he did his job as a back up. 24 is a business so getting your feelings hurt doesn't matter. best case saw their yow alex starts and both players get action. opposing teams will have to prepare for both. frank gore said the team will roll with coach's decision. >> we have two good quarterbacks. >> they both can play well so it doesn't matter. >> the raiders will be hosting the broncos next thursday, december 6th here on abc7. peyton manning has denver on top of the afc west standings. last week against kansas city jamal charles


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